public art Blogs

Palo Verde bloom's paint color match

These Little Leaf Palo Verde blooms are a nice match to this Sherwin-Williams color chip.

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32nd Street's public art for Phoenix

I recently teamed with local metal sculptor Gary Slater to work with the various neighborhoods along 32nd Street to determine how to introduce public art for fellow travelers(whether on feet, on bikes, or in automobiles)within the pending city improvements.

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bill's Greer "red house" and other sketches

My Greer Village sketches are on display at Apache County's Public Library in St. Johns  Arizona during the 2015 months of January  and February.

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Tempe's character

I have been helping planners within the city of Tempe generate some images, in response to recent community meetings.

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phoenix's walkable future

March is a great time to hike around our Arizona Sonoran Desert. It is also a nice time to walk around Phoenix.

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Gary's metal expertise

My understanding is that metal sculptor Gary Slater is busier than ever. He should be. He is the best...his experience is worth every penny.

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